Girl, Serpent, Thorn – Book Review

Girl, Serpent, Thorn – Book Review

Girl, Serpent, Thorn – Book Review

Hello friends! This week I have my Girl, Serpent, Thorn Book Review up! I honestly love this book so much and I think everyone should read it.

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Girl, Serpent, Thorn Book ReviewTitle: Girl, Serpent, Thorn

Author: Melissa Bashardoust

Rating: 5 Stars

Format: eARC

Publisher: Flatiron Books

Date Published: July 7th 2020

Goodreads Description: There was and there was not, as all stories begin, a princess cursed to be poisonous to the touch. But for Soraya, who has lived her life hidden away, apart from her family, safe only in her gardens, it’s not just a story.

As the day of her twin brother’s wedding approaches, Soraya must decide if she’s willing to step outside of the shadows for the first time. Below in the dungeon is a demon who holds knowledge that she craves, the answer to her freedom. And above is a young man who isn’t afraid of her, whose eyes linger not with fear, but with an understanding of who she is beneath the poison.

Soraya thought she knew her place in the world, but when her choices lead to consequences she never imagined, she begins to question who she is and who she is becoming…human or demon. Princess or monster.

I received a review copy from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.


I will be completely honest and say that the first 30% of this book didn’t have me hooked. I didn’t believe the interactions between Azad and Soraya, but boy was I wrong. I’m really going to try to keep this one spoiler-free, but DAMN.

Soraya, Azad and Parvaneh are all so beautifully morally grey. Soraya is our main character, but both Azad and Parvaneh are equally fleshed out and the intricacies of their personalities are just amazing.

Azad and Soraya are the same in many aspects, and THAT is what makes this book so GOOD. They’re my ideal her0/villain combo and I am thriving for it. I don’t have the words to describe how layered and well-written this book is.


Characters = 9


I am a big fan of worldbuilding done by the characters interacting with the world, not through info dumps or unnecessary dialogue. This book just does it so well. It’s truly like reading a fairytale. It is SO atmospheric and I was eating it all up. I felt like I was in the world and part of the world.

The stories and the lore are just…I don’t have the words.


Atmosphere = 9


I read Melissa Bashardoust’s debut novel, Girls Made of Snow and Glass at the beginning of the year and it was pretty mediocre. This book was way above that. You can clearly see how much Bashardoust grew in her writing and how much it improved. It’s absolutely phenomenal.

I love how to the point her writing is, and yet it’s so layered and perfect. I am here for it.

Writing = 9


The plot is where I completely lose all of my shit. IT IS DONE SO WELL. Everything that’s set up at the start of the book pays off, everything that’s even just mentioned in passing pays off. The story is so well set up and I’m still reeling from it.

It is so intricate and the fairytale aspect plays so well into the overall story. I already spoke about Soraya being a morally grey character and her character arc is just so amazing. She really toes the line between what is perceived as good and bad. All of her reasons are so believable and I would have rooted for her no matter the choices she made.


Plot = 10


I think it’s safe to say that this book is intriguing. I’m honestly a little bit sad that I haven’t seen more hype for it. A story doesn’t have to be part of a seven-book series or feature mediocre faerie dick to be hyped up.

Girl, Serpent, Thorn has an intriguing plot, excellent writing, great characters and believable romance. It deserves more love.

Intrigue = 10


The magic system and the entire world is inspired by Persian fairytales and it is so beautiful. The magic made sense and played such an important part in this story.

Honestly, I’ll probably never stop gushing about this.

Logic = 10


Obviously it’s very clear that I love this book a LOT. It needs more hype and I will forever stan it.

Enjoyment = 10

Overall rating: 5 Stars

Let me know your thoughts on Girl, Serpent, Thorn.

Girl, Serpent, Thorn Book Review



8 thoughts on “Girl, Serpent, Thorn – Book Review

  1. Great Review! You’re right as much as I love Faerie fantasies I kind of got tired of them and the whole “they’re the most abnormally hot creatures that ever existed” thing.

    It’s so refreshing to see fairytales from the East for a change 😍 I’ll definitely add this to by tbr; I got super excited!

  2. I was considering buying this book, but I think I will now after reading your review! 😀

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