Mid Year Freak Out Tag

Mid Year Freak Out

Mid Year Freak Out!

I’m not freaking out, you are! Did July sneak up on anyone else? Or was it just me that got ambushed? Anyway, I know I’m late with the Mid Year Freak Out Tag since it’s already the THIRD OF JULY. Someone stop time, please. I have a lot of things to freak out about since I’m halfway through my honours degree, I should be applying for my masters and I have a dissertation to write. (Screaming in the distance).

But fear not! I won’t bore you with my boring academic life. Instead, I’m going to bore you with my reading life! Ha! I have no idea who came up with this tag or where it originated from (I’m lacking some blogger friends, so why not follow me on Instagram and Twitter and leave me your blog link), so if you know where the tag started, please leave a comment so that I can tag the blogger. Let the freaking out commence!

Mid Year Freak Out Tag

1. Best book of the year

This one goes to…The Hazel Wood. I love fairytales, especially dark and dangerous ones, and reading The Hazel Wood made the hair on the back of my neck stand up the whole time. Good stuff! I recommend you read it as well.

Mid Year Freak Out The Hazel Wood

2. Best sequel of the year

Alwyn Hamilton’s Hero at the Fall. It was the conclusion of her trilogy (so maybe technically not a sequel?) and I couldn’t be happier. The ending was beautiful and I’m glad most of the characters survived unscathed. Alwyn Hamilton is one of my favourite authors and this series is seriously underrated. Get on it people!

3. New releases I haven’t read yet

Fury Born by Claire Legend. It just arrived in June Magic and Mischief book box and I’m so excited to read it.

4. The most anticipated release of the second half of the year

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes. I love historical fiction with a twist (cue Outlander) and I can’t wait to get my hands on this one.

5. Biggest disappointment of the year

None so far…I’m not even halfway with my reading goals for the year, so there’s still time to be disappointed.

6. The biggest surprise of the year

Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault. WOW. This book just blew me away completely. You can read my review here, and you can read my Q&A with the author here!

Mid Year Freak Out Quinsey Wolfe's Glass Vault

7. Favourite new/debut author

Tomi Adeyemi, who wrote Children of Blood and Bone (review here).

8. Newest fictional crush

SO many. My book boyfriend will always be Kaz Brekker, but that doesn’t mean I can’t browse! Inan from Children of Blood and Bone, because who doesn’t love a prince? Elias from To Kill a Kingdom because he’s a prince and a pirate! (I’m seeing a pattern here).

9. Newest favourite character

Sorrow, from The State of Sorrow by Melinda Salisbury. She is so real and relatable, even for a princess. I love her.

10. A book that made me cry

Books don’t generally make me cry. The only book that has ever made me cry is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. FRED. Sobs.

11. A book that made me happy

To Kill a Kingdom. Yes, a book about murderers and thieves made me happy. It had a happy ending, and I just love stand-alone books. My heart can’t take the emotional rollercoaster that is a series.

12. Favourite book to film adaption

I don’t have one, but I have a favourite book to series adaption, which is Outlander of course.

Mid Year Freak Out Children of Blood and Bone

13. Favourite posts of the year

My Q&A with Candace Robinson. It is always awesome to talk to authors.

14. Most beautiful book bought

Fury Born. The cover is just -insert heart eyes-.

15. Books I want to read by the end of the year

The Ember in Ashes series, Fawkes and Dividing Eden.

That’s a wrap, people! I hope you enjoyed reading along! Feel free to do the tag as well. What is on your TBR for July? Let me know in the comments below.


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18 thoughts on “Mid Year Freak Out Tag

  1. Fabulous post. we are busy with arc copies and tours and this makes us very happy. The busier the better for us and we are getting a lot of great reads lately.

  2. Omg I love your list! I see in this post that you got the latest Fairy Loot box! I love book cozies! COBAB is the bomb and I have heard so much about Elias! I have been dying to read The Hazel Wood! Subscribing to your blog!

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